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Application to form a PLLC

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Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC) Verification of Eligibility

One or more persons wishing to provide professional legal services in the State of West Virginia in the form of a professional limited liability company (PLLC) organized under the laws of the State of West Virginia shall file an application for registration with the West Virginia State Bar. Before submitting information to the WV Secretary of State, you must apply to obtain “Verification of Eligibility” (VOE).

Once your Verification of Eligibility (VOE) is approved, you will be emailed a digital verification of eligibility certificate to submit on the WV Secretary of State One Stop Business Portal.


Rule 12.02(b) Professional Limited Liability Companies (PLLC)

One or more persons wishing to provide professional legal services in the State of West Virginia in the form of a professional limited liability company (PLLC) organized under the laws of the State of West Virginia shall file an application for registration with the West Virginia State Bar. A foreign professional limited liability company wishing to provide such services in West Virginia must also file an application for registration with the West Virginia State Bar.

An application for registration as a professional limited liability company shall be submitted to the State Bar in the form required for this purpose, accompanied by a fee of $100. Each application shall be signed by a member or manager of the proposed professional limited liability company or, in the case of a foreign PLLC, a member or manager having signature authority for such professional limited liability company. The application shall also contain the name, office address, email address, telephone number, and facsimile transmission number for the person designated by the applicant as the contact person with regard to any questions concerning the application.


Click here to view Rule 12 of the WV State Bar Administrative Rules


Click the "Start Application" button below to submit your application. A fee of $100 is required before any information is submitted to the WV State Bar.