Course Details
Course Type:
Total Attendance Minutes:
Online/Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) Minutes:
In House Minutes:
Legal Ethics, etc.* Minutes:
Total Attendance Credits:
Online/Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) Credits:
In House Credits:
Legal Ethics, etc.* Credits:
Date & Location
Course Date: Thursday, April 19, 2018
The speakers for this live broadcast come to our Washington, DC office and their presentation
is broadcast live streaming to offices across the country. During the live IVT session,
participants will have the ability to call in, text chat, or email questions to instructors.
Instructors will address and answer these questions during the live session. The participants
attending the training are responsible for knowing and complying with their own state bar
requirements associated with the viewing method and setting. However, we request that they
view and interact with the program in a conference with other attorneys where their
attendance is monitored.
The speakers for this live broadcast come to our Washington, DC office and their presentation
is broadcast live streaming to offices across the country. During the live IVT session,
participants will have the ability to call in, text chat, or email questions to instructors.
Instructors will address and answer these questions during the live session. The participants
attending the training are responsible for knowing and complying with their own state bar
requirements associated with the viewing method and setting. However, we request that they
view and interact with the program in a conference with other attorneys where their
attendance is monitored.