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West Virginia Approved Continuing Legal Education Courses - Teaching Credit

Course ID# Sort ascending Title Course Provider Course Type Course Date Total Attendance Credits Online/Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) Credits In House Credits Legal Ethics, etc.* Credits Teaching Credit
24735 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 7: Sale of a Partnership Interest and Distributions Live Attendance 1.80 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24734 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 6: Transactions (other than sales) between a Partnership and its Partners Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24733 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 6: Transactions (other than sales) between a Partnership and its Partners Live Attendance 1.80 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24732 2017 Annual Convention Live Attendance 34.60 0 0 7.80 Request Teaching Credit
24731 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 5: Partnership Liabilities Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24730 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 5: Partnership Liabilities Live Attendance 1.80 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24729 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 4: Contributions of Property Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24728 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 4: Contributions of Property Live Attendance 1.80 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24727 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 3: Allocation of Nonrecourse Deductions Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24726 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 3: Allocation of Nonrecourse Deductions Live Attendance 1.80 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24725 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 2: Financial Accounting, Capital Accounts, and Partnership Allocations Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24724 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 2: Financial Accounting, Capital Accounts, and Partnership Allocations Live Attendance 1.80 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24723 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 1: Choice of Entity, Partnership Formation; Partnership Operation Basics Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24722 Introduction to Partnership Taxation, Part 1: Choice of Entity, Partnership Formation; Partnership Operation Basics Live Attendance 1.80 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24721 Preserving Intellectual Property Rights in Government Contracts Live Attendance 7.20 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24720 Advanced Legal Writing and Rhetoric: Persuasive Techniques in Practice Live Attendance 4.80 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24719 Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) Seminar Live Attendance 17.10 0 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
24718 Transgender Rights in the Workplace Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24717 "For Sale by Owner" Real Estate Transactions: Top Pitfalls Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24716 Legal Ethics: Duty to Report Misconduct Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
24715 Core Litigation Issues Live Attendance 17.90 0 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
24714 Finding Out is Better: Effectively Using Technology for Factual Discovery Live Attendance 1.20 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24713 Structuring Targeted Partnership Tax Allocations: Complying With IRC 704(b) Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24713 Structuring Targeted Partnership Tax Allocations: Complying With IRC 704(b) Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
24712 2017 Insurance Tax Seminar Live Attendance 10.90 0 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit