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West Virginia Approved Continuing Legal Education Courses - Teaching Credit

Course ID# Sort ascending Title Course Provider Course Type Course Date Total Attendance Credits Online/Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) Credits In House Credits Legal Ethics, etc.* Credits Teaching Credit
28474 Following, Friending and Pinning: The Intersection of Social Media and Evidentiary Principles Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28474 Following, Friending and Pinning: The Intersection of Social Media and Evidentiary Principles Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28474 Following, Friending and Pinning: The Intersection of Social Media and Evidentiary Principles Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28474 Following, Friending and Pinning: The Intersection of Social Media and Evidentiary Principles Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28473 Answering the Call: Overcoming Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 1.20 1.20 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
28473 Answering the Call: Overcoming Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 1.20 1.20 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
28473 Answering the Call: Overcoming Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 1.20 1.20 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
28473 Answering the Call: Overcoming Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 1.20 1.20 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
28473 Answering the Call: Overcoming Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 1.20 1.20 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
28473 Answering the Call: Overcoming Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 1.20 1.20 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
28473 Answering the Call: Overcoming Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 1.20 1.20 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
28473 Answering the Call: Overcoming Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 1.20 1.20 0 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
28472 Legal Ethics: Top 10 Mistakes Attorneys Make Online Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 1.20 1.20 0.00 1.20 Request Teaching Credit
28471 When It Doesn't Stay in Vegas: A Lawyer's Guide to Workplace Social Media Policies Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28471 When It Doesn't Stay in Vegas: A Lawyer's Guide to Workplace Social Media Policies Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28471 When It Doesn't Stay in Vegas: A Lawyer's Guide to Workplace Social Media Policies Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28471 When It Doesn't Stay in Vegas: A Lawyer's Guide to Workplace Social Media Policies Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28471 When It Doesn't Stay in Vegas: A Lawyer's Guide to Workplace Social Media Policies Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28471 When It Doesn't Stay in Vegas: A Lawyer's Guide to Workplace Social Media Policies Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28470 Avoiding the Million Dollar Comma: The Use of Forms in Legal Drafting Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28470 Avoiding the Million Dollar Comma: The Use of Forms in Legal Drafting Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28470 Avoiding the Million Dollar Comma: The Use of Forms in Legal Drafting Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28470 Avoiding the Million Dollar Comma: The Use of Forms in Legal Drafting Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.20 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28469 Forming an LLC to Purchase Real Estate Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0 1.80 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit
28468 FRAUD SECTION ALL ATTORNEY TRAINING Live Attendance 4.20 0 0 0.00 Request Teaching Credit