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Approved CLE Courses

Course ID# Sort ascending Title Course Provider Course Type Course Date Total Attendance Credits Online/Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) Credits In House Credits Legal Ethics, etc.* Credits Add Course
967 Best Practices in Digital Evidence Management Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
966 Surviving the Challenges of Oil and Gas Taxation Live Attendance 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 Add Course
965 Section 6409(a)/47 U.S.C. ? 1455(a): New Federal Law Aiding Zoning Approval for Cell Tower Modifications Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
964 Evaluating Your Third-Party Administrator: Are You Getting What You're Paying For? Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
963 EPA's Rules on Compensatory Mitigation for Impact on Wetlands, Streams and Other Waters Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
962 Credit Analysis Basics: The ABCs of Managing the Company's Credit Function Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
961 New and Enhanced FBAR and FATCA Reporting Requirements Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Add Course
960 Legal and Practical Implications of Implementing a 4-Day Work Week Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
959 False Claims Act Update Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
958 Early Termination (and Modification) of Trusts Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
957 Basic Principles of Construction Insurance Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
955 The ADA, Addiction and Alcoholism: What an Employer Needs to Know Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
954 Fundamentals of SBA Lending: Documenting, Closing and Funding the SBA Loan Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
953 Tax-Exempt Financing for Nonprofits Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
952 Real Estate Investment Trusts: Their Uses and Basic Tax Rules Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Add Course
951 Damages in Intellectual Property Litigation Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
950 Satisfying OFCCP's Internet Applicant Rules Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
949 Restructuring the Commercial Loan Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
948 Legal Issues In Running Social Media and Mobile Sweepstakes and Contests Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
946 Using Key Risk Indicators to Prevent Emerging Threats Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
945 Understanding Roth Accounts and In-Plan Conversions in 401(k), 403(b), and Governmental 457(b) Plans Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
944 Understanding and Complying With Disclosures Under Rule 26(a) Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.60 Add Course
943 Legal Traps of Internet Activities for Nonprofits Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course
942 IRS Guidance on Hardship Withdrawals: Practical Tips for Avoiding Common Pitfalls Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Add Course
941 Battle of the Forms and Managing the Contracting Process Online/ Audio Visual (Pre-Recorded) 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 Add Course